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Appartement meublé

Forchstrasse 182, 8032 Zurich

connections to all parts of Zurich/Switzerland can also be reached very quickly.


Double Bed

Double Bed



Twin Bed

Twin Bed

Smart TV

Smart TV

Bed linen

Bed linen





Dining table

Dining table



Prestations de service


Supplémentaire* - sur demande
  • Service de nettoyage (menage hebdomadaire, bihebdomadaire ou mensuel) comprenant le changement des draps et des serviettes. Notre personnel connaît l'appartement et vérifie les tâches d'entretien.

  • Nettoyage final

  • Parking

  • Animal accepté (sur demande)

  • Transferts aéroport

  • Entrepôt de meubles

Termes et les conditions

Subject of the contract 1.1 The apartments may only be used for private purposes. Commercial use is not permitted or requires the express written consent of the landlord. 1.2 The landlord is entitled to terminate the contract immediately if the following cases occur: • The breach of the alleged maximum number of people on the contract • Keeping any pets without the landlord's consent • Smoking in the apartment 1.3 In the event of any bottlenecks, the landlord is entitled to assign the tenant a different property than the booking mentioned on the cover sheet of the rental agreement, but with the same size (number of rooms), the same quality and, if possible, in the same building.

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2 bedroom apartment near Hirslanden



(+ balcony)



(with elevator)



(+ bedsofa)

Salle(s) de bain :



dès CHF



(short stay accepted)


Available soon



Forchstrasse 182, 8032 Zurich

Vivre dans

Fluntern, Kreis 7

Kreis 7 is noble, academic and central and it is located above the hectic city center. The upper district 7 is a residential area that stretches over the wooded slopes of the Adlisberg and the Zürichberg. Here is the Zurich Zoo with leopards, elephants and a rainforest house. Traditional Swiss restaurants include the Degenried restaurant in the forest and the elegant Dolder Grand Hotel, which was built at the end of the 19th century and offers panoramic views of the city.

The nearby Dolder Sports outdoor pool offers an ice skating rink, mini golf and a pool. The view from the Sonnenberg has also been opened to the public since the late 19th century. FIFA headquarters are located there. District 7 is one of the largest districts in the city of Zurich.

Witikon, which is located at the highest point in district 7, allows a beautiful view of the city from many places. Witikon itself is also known as the 'Quartier on the Horizon' because, conversely, the roofs of the Witikon houses also tower over the city center, for example from Bürkliplatz on the horizon. Witikon is often in the sun above the city fog. The first clinic of the Hirslanden private clinic group was built in Zurich, in the Hirslanden district. The Balgrist University Hospital is right next door. On the Zürichberg and above the Klusplatz there are still many villas with huge gardens but you can see more and more modern apartment complexes.

The Kunsthaus and the Pfauen theater on Heimplatz offers culture enthusiasts many interesting exhibitions and performances.

ZR Zurich Relocation AG est l'agence leader à Zurich qui propose des appartements meublés haut de gamme aux personnes qui ont besoin d'un logement temporaire dans le centre de Zurich pour des séjours courts, longs ou illimités. Nous prenons en charge les nouveaux expatriés pour leur logement et ceux qui doivent trouver un logement pour quelqu'un d'autre (managers d'artistes etc.). ZR Zurich Relocation gère 100 appartements meublés uniquement au cœur de Zurich : Vieille Ville, Enge, Wiedikon, Oberstrass, Fluntern et Seefeld.

Nos clients sont des entreprises internationales telles que des banques, des assurances et des entreprises industrielles, mais aussi des agences d'opéra, d'artistes et de sport, des hôpitaux universitaires et bien d'autres. Ils utilisent tous nos biens pour reloger leurs employés, clients et stagiaires. Grâce à notre bonne réputation, nous avons également de nombreux partenariats de longue date avec des plateformes, des services RH aux entreprises, des agents de relocation et des professionnels de l'immobilier à Zurich.

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